Istat: in September, declining production for durable goods


The data released by Istat in November about industrial production in the month of September 2013 show negative variations with regard to consumer durables. The seasonally adjusted data recorded -7% compared to August 2013, while the variation is equal to 0% if we consider the July-September quarter vs. April-June 2013. The indices corrected for calendar effects show instead for durable goods a decrease of 7.7% (September 2013 vs. September 2012) and -6% (January-September 2013 vs. January-September 2012). Examining the development of industrial production for the sector of manufacture of electrical and non-electrical equipment for domestic use, the seasonally adjusted data recorded in September a decrease of 2.7% compared to the previous month, while they reveal an increase of 0,2% if we consider the period July-September 2013 over April-June 2013. Data corrected for calendar effects, finally, show for the considered sector a decline of 2.6% in September 2013 compared to the same month of last year and -1.4% for the period January-September 2013 in comparison to January-September 2012.