In Naples to discuss on industry 4.0 and aerospace


Naples, excellence territory in the aerospace sector, will host the next stage of the “Digital Factory MECSPE Labs, the Italian way for industry 4.0”, the road map promoted by Senaf to accompany the companies on the path towards the digitalization, started by the Industria 4.0 National Plan. After the recent successes of the events in Modena and Brescia, the road map telling the Italian alternative to the industry 4.0 model will pass from Naples on February 5th (Aula Magna, San Giovanni a Teduccio complex), with a focus on industry 4.0 and aerospace.
The meeting, organized with AIAD (Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security) and DAC (Aerospace District Campania Region), will offer numerous testimonies of entrepreneurs and opinion leaders, who will share their experience about the transformation process of the new factories in act and will discuss on the future of Made in Italy manufacturing. The debate will be accompanied by the presentation of MECSPE Observatory data, with the economic analyzes and the forecasts of the SMEs belonging to the world of the specialized mechanics, plastics and mechatronics. The survey will be an opportunity to examine the approach of the companies in the Campania Region towards the industry 4.0 and the new technologies (knowledge, investment and training), but also to deepen the perspectives about the society transformation, the creation of new professional positions and the role of the people in the digital factory.

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