The washing machine with intuition


Candy Bianca is a washing machine with intuition and advanced features but easy to use. It listens, understands consumers’ needs, and performs the most effective and most suited washing program to their specific needs. Consumer can talk to the washing machine with the smartphone, thanks to the “Talking Bianca” function. With a natural dialogue and intelligent interaction, Bianca understands individual needs, helps users in choosing the right program, saves their habits, and provides washing tips. In addition, Bianca will promptly inform about its state of maintenance, so that one can take action if necessary. Bianca’s intuition is not translated only in its capability of intelligent dialogue, but also in the modern Smart Ring interface: a single touch-screen circle display, with typically Italian design and creativity, from which one can activate and combine with a single touch all the main programs and options, choosing the most useful according to his necessity. Smart Ring, specifically positioned with a 11-degree inclination to prevent customers from bending, is comfortable and ergonomic. Besides, the product has the Zoom function: thanks to the Mix Power Jet Plus technology, which injects pure detergent directly into the heart of clothes, Zoom extends to all programs and any fabric the washing in less than an hour, with an A-Class washing performance.