- Accessories
- Accessories for refrigerators and freezers
- Active and passive liquid crystal displays and screens
- Actuators and starters
- Adapters
- Adjustable vacuum switches
- Advice
- Alarms, acoustic transponders and light signalers
- Alloys and mixtures
- Aluminium and alloy finished and semi-finished products
- Analysis labs
- Assemblies
- Assembling and finishing
- Automatic forming and moulding lines
- Balancing machines for electric motors
- Ball bearings
- Bellows
- Blanking
- Bobbin winding
- Boilers
- Brushless motors
- Burners and related accessories
- Cable and wire leads
- Cable cutting systems
- Cable joints
- Calibration systems and instruments
- Clamps, cable glands and fixing elements
- Coatings
- Coils
- Collectors
- Commands and coders
- Commutators
- Components
- Components for gas equipment and combustion systems
- Components for irons and microwave ovens
- Compounds
- Compressors, motor compressors and related components
- Condensers and evaporators
- Conditioners
- Connectors, connections and conjunction systems
- Contactors and bimetal discs
- Cooling systems
- Counterweights
- Counterweights for washing machines and dishwashers
- Covers
- Crystal/glass parts for household appliances
- Crystals and glasses
- Dashboards
- Decorations
- Design and engineering
- Design of armoured electrical resistances
- Die casting systems and dies
- Dielectrical and electrical material
- Dimmers and ballasts
- Dischargers
- Domotics
- Door clamps
- Drive systems
- Drives
- Drums and racks
- Dynamos
- Electric cable machining
- Electric motors
- Electric testing
- Electrical capacitors
- Electrical components
- Electrical differential circuits
- Electrical sockets and multiple sockets
- Electrical windings for transformers
- Electromechanical systems
- Electronic and electromechanical controls
- Electronic cards
- Electronic machining and assembling
- Electronic modulators
- Electrovalves
- Enamelling systems
- Encoders
- Equipment for chemical, rheological and corrosion tests
- Equipment for climatic tests and ageing
- Equipment for electrical and functional tests
- Equipment for mechanical and dynamic tests
- Equipment for optical tests
- Exhaust pumps and accessories for spin-dryers, washing machines, dish-washers
- Exhausters
- Extensions
- Extrusion
- Extrusion and coextrusion systems, machines and instruments
- Fan motors
- Fans
- Feeders, accumulators, batteries and cells
- Feeding lines
- Filters
- Flexible spiral tubes
- Floats
- Flow switches, flow meters and fluxmeters
- Frequency converters and variable speed converters
- Front grills
- Fume/gas leakage detectors
- Fuse holders
- Fuses and thermal fuses
- Gear motors
- General automation
- Glass machining
- Grids and baskets
- Gsm, gps and mobile communication modules
- Handles
- Heat treatments
- Heating elements, components and accessories
- Heating plates
- Heating systems
- Hinge design
- Hinges
- Hot moulding and cold forming
- Hydrometric groups
- Inductances and inductors
- Industrial design
- Industrial marking systems
- Industrial systems for rolled section machining
- Information technology, software and hardware
- Injection and coinjection machines and systems
- Injectors
- Instruments for electromagnetic interferences and compatibilities
- Insulators
- Integrated circuits
- Integrated systems for quality control
- Irons for ironing systems
- Keys
- Knobs
- Labelling
- Lamp-sockets
- Level switches and pressure switches
- Lifting and transport means and equipment
- Lighting systems, lamps
- Limit-switches
- Line cords, plugs and inserts
- Liquid coolers
- Locks and electrical locks
- Logistics
- Machine tools and tools
- Machines and presses for plastic materials
- Magnets and electromagnets
- Manometers, thermal manometers
- Manufacture of normalized elements for moulds and dies
- Material identification systems
- Measure and control components
- Measure and control systems and instruments
- Mechanical and die cast components
- Mechanical machining
- Membrane keyboards
- Metal wire and stainless steel items
- Metallic materials
- Microcontrollers and microprocessors
- Miscellaneous chemical products
- Miscellaneous machines
- Miscellaneous materials
- Mixers
- Motor winding
- Motors
- Mould and die making
- Moulding
- No friction and no wear coatings
- Optical fibers
- Painting
- Parcelling and packing systems
- Patents
- Pedal sets
- Phonometers for noise control
- Plants for expanded polyurethane and polystyrene
- Plastic and rubber items
- Plastic material finished and semi-finished products
- Plastic materials and resins
- Plate subcontracting machining
- Plc - programmable logic controllers
- Pneumatic devices
- Potentiometers and rheostats
- Powder paints and pigments
- Presses
- Printed circuits
- Printing machinery
- Product certifications and approvals
- Product industrialization
- Product temperature surveyors
- Production machines and equipment
- Production of metal and resin models
- Production systems and assembly lines
- Profiles
- Protection systems, protectors and thermal protectors
- Protective coverings
- Prototype design and manufacturing
- Ptc, ntc and thermocouples
- Pulleys
- Pushbuttons, micro-pushbuttons and pushbutton panels
- Reactances
- Rectifiers
- Regulators and reducers
- Relays
- Resistances, resistors and thermoresistances
- Rubber and plastic material machining
- Rubber, plastic and compound components
- Safety devices and various components for gas
- Screws, bolts and nuts, rivets
- Seals
- Selectors
- Semi-finished
- Sensors and probes
- Sintering machines
- Sleeves
- Small metal and plastic products
- Solenoids
- Soundproofing, deadening materials, anti-vibration
- Spare parts for household appliances
- Spark-erosion
- Special machining
- Special production lines
- Springs, shock absorbers and elastic components
- Stainless steel finished and semi-finished products
- Steel, iron and copper drawn products and tubes
- Steel items for hoods
- Steel items for ovens
- Steel or plastic parts for refrigerators
- Steel or plastic parts for washing machines and dishwashers
- Storing systems
- Subcontracting
- Subcontracting moulding and forming
- Surface processes and treatments
- Switches and microswitches
- Systems and equipment for industrial automation
- Systems and machines for laser cutting
- Systems and means for internal handling
- Systems for the application of adhesives, sealers
- Tanks for cleaning machines
- Taps and fittings
- Terminals and terminal boxes
- Terminals and thimbles
- Tests
- Thermal condensers, evaporators, steam and hot air generators, heat exchangers
- Thermoelectric and magnetic units
- Thermoforming plants, machines and dies
- Thermometers
- Thermoregulators and thermoregulation equipment
- Thermostats and thermocouples
- Thermostats, chronothermostats and environment thermostats
- Timers and programmers
- Tool holder manufacture
- Transducers
- Transformers and autotransformers
- Travel-end switches
- Tubes and piping
- Tuning units, signal, transmission and distribution
- Turning shop
- Ups and battery chargers
- Various electromechanical components
- Various electronic components
- Various mechanical components
- Various pumps and micro-pumps, electro-pumps and accessories
- Various thermal and metal wires
- Various valves
- Vibrators and acoustic transponders
- Voltage stabilizers
- Water meters and thermal water meters
- Waterstop systems
- Welding: plants, equipments, tools and materials
- Welding systems, instruments and products
- Wheels and foots
- Winding impregnation plants
- Wire and enamel peeling systems
- Wiring
- Wiring and related accessories
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