Faber: 12 video recipes with the chef Andrea Mainardi

Photo Elia Falaschi © 2018

On Faber social media platforms – Facebook (@FaberAirMatter), Instagram (faberairmatters) and Youtube (@Faber Air Matters) – it’s possible to see the video recipes created by the chef Andrea Mainardi with the support of Galileo, the Faber hob with extraction system, waterproof engine and A+++ class. The name chosen for the format is “La cucina di casa Mainardi”: each video has a duration of 1.30 minutes and the recipes proposed are 12 in total. Each recipe has been created to allow users to cook with ease through the advice of the chef. The collaboration between Faber and Andrea Mainardi started at the beginning of 2018 when the company chose the chef, special guest of the TV Italian program “La prova del cuoco”, as its ambassador. Mainardi will be involved in various activities, events, and corporate/consumer initiatives.