Ecolight: 17,000 tons of small WEEE collected in 2018


Ecolight continues its commitment to the WEEE management. In 2018 the consortium collected almost 17,000 tons of smartphones and small appliances, with a 5.4% growth compared to the previous year. This type of waste is an important resource. “They are recyclable up to almost 95% of their weight – says Giancarlo Dezio, general manager of Ecolight -. Significant amounts of plastic, iron and glass can be obtained; all materials that, if properly treated, can become secondary raw materials and be re-placed on the market thus giving concreteness to the circular economy”.
However, they are not easy to intercept. “Ecolight’s attention has always focused on this type of waste both in terms of awareness, and in providing new and innovative tools that can facilitate the delivery of broken blenders and tablets – explains Dezio -. The consortium has in fact given life to the “WEEE EcoIslands” projgect, or automated bins where small WEEE can be conferred. Through the 31 Islands that we have positioned in highly frequented places such as shopping centers, large sales points or public spaces, 102 tons of small WEEE have been collected over the last twelve months. Being small objects with an average weight below 500 grams, it is a good result that is amplified by the capacity of involvement that our EcoIslands have: in 2018 alone they have been used by over 2.5 million people”.