Editorial – More and more specialized

Massimo Moscati, Editorial Director of Home Appliances Division at Tecniche Nuove

For several years now, our eldomtrade and hafactory monthly reviews have provided a detailed cross-section of the household appliance (as well as of professional appliance) chain, which is analysed from the development of the single component to the finished product, ready for end users’ purchases. Different angles – that start from the factory and encompass marketing modalities – to split the manifold Appliance issues into endless contexts.
Not fortuitously, last May 9th and 10th , a two-day event was held at MiCo in Milan, organized by our reviews and entitled Atelier Appliances Match It 2019; we will propose its contents in July issues, in a broad report made up by all prestigious speeches delivered in the various workshops organized.
Our press reports have always been enriched by specialists’ contributions from all sectors, both as interview or direct report. Editorial staffs, as usual, process thematic cues and then assess their feasibility and, especially, usefulness.
With the appointment of professor Matteo Ingaramo – general director of POLI.design – as scientific consultant of our reviews, we have decided to enhance our activity of “portrayers of the existing”, to avail ourselves of his support “from the inside” and not, as it always happens, “from the outside” with an interview. As the mission of POLI.design affirms “design represents a resource that can guide societies and production systems towards new development models; it is also a resource that is nowadays crucial for standing up to global competition in terms of identity and diversity. Design is a driving force behind growth that can guide individual and collective choices”.
Along recent years, the changes in progress in the field, and not always optimistic, have been countless and sudden. We believe the synthesis of a journalistic and scientific vision can help us to understand better these phenomena and to anticipate them, allowing us to outline better their future developments. In short, to offer a more punctual service to our readers.
Paraphrasing the original title of a classic contemporaneous movie, like Furyo by Nagisa Oshima (an applause to those who remember it), we might say “Welcome Mr Ingaramo!”.