Ecodom: 105,516 tons of WEEE managed in 2018

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In 2018 the Ecodom consortium managed 105,516 tonnes of domestic WEEE. They were predominantly washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, ovens, hoods, electric heaters, boilers and microwaves which account for 62% of the total, while 35% of WEEE consists of refrigerators, freezers, major appliances for refrigeration and food storage. The remaining 3% includes monitors, TVs and lighting equipment. From the WEEE, Ecodom obtained 62,758 tons of iron, 1,951 tons of aluminum, 2,098 tons of copper and 10.882 tons of plastic. The correct treatment saved 111,441,572 kWh of electricity and avoided the release into the atmosphere of 785,091 tons of CO2. “The 2018 results confirm a record that has lasted for eleven years; but more than the quantitative results, we are particularly proud of the qualitative performances of our activity, both because the correct WEEE treatment carried out by the Consortium allowed to recover almost 90% of secondary raw materials, and because on a total of about 45,000 pick ups carried out in 2018 from the collection centers, in 99.8% of cases we have respected the times agreed between the WEEE Coordination Center and ANCI – says Giorgio Arienti, general manager of Ecodom -. However, Europe imposes increasingly challenging targets on our Country: in 2019, the collection target will be equal to 65% of the products put on the market. It is therefore essential that the Italian Government intervene to intercept the WEEE managed outside the control of the Collective Systems and that introduces administrative and penal sanctions, commensurate with the entity of the illicit profits and the environmental and social damages”.