New range of burners for open flames/Flam Gas


Flam Gas has recently implemented its line of burners for open flames (SF series) with the introduction of new flame typologies, which make the conventional component with double- or triple-crown obsolete. Thanks to the innovative drilling geometries, the burners of the SF ET Series allow differentiating the flame orientation, converging towards the centre of the vessel compared to those elongating towards the peripheral zones, thus improving the thermal efficiency and the management of the temperature distribution in cooking phase. Combustion processes have been optimized, too, in comparison with the performances of standard double-crown burners that need higher power and longer time.

The application sector of the new Flam Gas burners are professional cookers 700, 900 or 1200 series. The available powers include 4/6 kW, 8/9 kW and 10/11 kW.

The new burners are made of brass, A304 stainless steel with chemical nickel coating 20/40 microns. Flame spreaders are available in the finishing variants of polished and chrome-plated brass, black and white nickel.ha08_pc_flamgas