Maytag’s app offers new features and functionality


Maytag has updated its smartphone app with a refresh. “We’ve updated things so the brand really comes to life in the app – said Brennan Haase, digital brand manager for Maytag brand -. Our goal was to maximize the app’s usefulness to consumers who own smart-capable Maytag appliances”. Haase explained the new app’s features. “This is a tool for consumers that acts as an extension of their appliance and allows them to use it more efficiently. From years of our own research, we know that the average Maytag consumer doesn’t want a bunch of bells and whistles, they just want their appliances to get the job done”. “We made high-value app features, like favorites, much more accessible, because we knew that was of high value to the consumer – added Haase -. In the previous version of the app, a consumer would have to click through multiple menus to access their favorites. Now we’ve put that front and center, so it’s a much more streamlined experience”. Haase said that there were two main drivers for the brand to update its app. “One driver was the opportunity to get the app on a more robust platform to increase app performance and customizability, and allow for future enhancements”. This was also a brand opportunity. “That’s the other big driver – commented Haasse -. This was a chance for the Maytag team to bring some of the brand’s identity into the application. For example, the Maytag Man is now included in a few select spots to add some of the brand’s signature personality”. There are several features created to be useful for consumers. “I think some of the most valuable benefits are simple things like cycle notifications when your laundry is done, or being able to easily customize and access your favorite cycles”, said Haase.