France: slowdown in the third quarter for the TCG market


As reported by GfK Temax, the technical consumer goods market in France registered a decline in the third quarter 2018 (-0.7%) compared to the same quarter in 2017. Consumer Electronics, Photography, Major Domestic Appliances, IT and Office Equipment registered a fall. However, French TCG market was boosted by Small Domestic Appliances and Telecommunications.

Here are the growing products:
Small Domestic Appliances
Vacuums cleaners continue to growth, driven by the handsticks. The heat wave of July and August explain the huge increase of the air treatment.

Smart mobile phones still dynamic in value register a growth in the third quarter.

Here are the declining products:
Major Domestic Appliances
The strong backdata of 2017 explain the downturn of the market. The Cooking categories are the most penalized followed by the Laundry categories. Besides, the tumbledryer market, which is also weather-sensitive, has to face a strong drop.

Consumer Electronics
After a strong growth on Q2 with the World Cup, the TV market decreases. A drop that comes mainly from the segment HD/Full HD.

Reflex, compact and bridges decline. Besides, the downward trend on action cameras continues.

Information Technology
French computer equipment rate is stable and the computer stock is aging. Besides, desk computing and mediatablets are still on a negative trend and storage also registered a decline.

Office Equipment
Multifunction printing devices are decreasing despite more stable results in volume. Sales of cartridges continue to decrease in both volume and value.