The evolution of the hood market

Marco Imparato, general director Ceced Italia
Marco Imparato, general director Ceced Italia

“After years of decline, the market of kitchen hoods for domestic use recorded, in 2016, slightly positive in volume (+ 0.5%) and in value (+ 1.7%), also thanks to the technological evolution process, performance, ecological triggered by the regulations on Energy Labelling and Ecodesign”.

Marco Imparato, general director of Ceced Italia, is a speaker in the workshop The energy certification in the kitchen hood,

(March 24th – MecSpe, Parma)

To join the workshop click here

The Italian industry’s outstanding experience in the sector of household appliance components has been built in time thanks to a strong presence on the territory of finished product companies, in whose success technology suppliers have contributed in determinate manner.

Today, as the dynamics of the global economy have involved the displacement – and the concentration – of big household appliance manufacturers, component and technology companies live new challenges, dealing with a market where the technical competence is combined with the capability of operating in different contexts and conditions.
How do component manufacturers face this theme? How they approach international markets? What difficulties do they meet and what opportunities does the made in Italy quality guarantee provide?
This matter, specifically focused on the particular segment of the kitchen hood, will be discussed by Confindustria Ceced Italia, the Trade Association that represents in Italy the producers of Domestic and Professional Appliances, Gfk, the company specialized in data and market researches, realities in the certification world and, naturally, a rich parterre of companies that will illustrate their case histories about the matter.