Hoover signs an agreement with “teatro7”


Hoover has signed an agreement with the Milanese cooking school “teatro7” to develop a project aimed at the continuous improvement of its household appliances. A complete range of Hoover appliances is available to chefs, students and frequenters of the courses organized at the “theater7”: through the direct experience of the Hoover solutions, the cooks and their guests will not only cook and use innovative appliances exclusively, but will become testimonials and evaluators of the various products and their applications, allowing the company to gather information, further improve the functionality and explore new solutions for the kitchen. Among the Hoover products there are four prototypes of Vision ovens, where an app is installed that can film the food, following the cooking steps and allowing to collect significant data to continuously improve the performance. There is also the Hoover Premium Collection which includes the Sous Vide set (blast chiller, vacuum drawer and two steam ovens). The partnership was celebrated during an open day, which is held at “teatro7”.