Smart manufacturig is worth 1.2 billion euro in Italy


smart manufacturingAccording to the results of the Smart Manufacturing Observatory, conducted by the School of Management Polytechnic of Milan, smart technologies in Italy are worth 1.2 billion euro. To this estimate – which considers the projects carried out by Italian companies in the Industrial Internet of Things, Industrial Analytics and Cloud Manufacturing – a share of 20% must be added, considering activities such as consultancy and training, update and provision of infrastructure. 66% of the market is represented by projects of Industrial Internet of Things, which are worth 790 million euro, followed by Industrial Analytics (23%, 270 million euro) and Cloud Manufacturing (10%, 120 million euro). In a period mainly characterized by pilot projects, the signal of the embryonic stage is the fact that 30% of the market is distributed in the system integration area, while 28% covers the purchase of hardware (sensors, IT systems, etc .), 22% software (software and licenses) and only 20% is related to the services. A survey, conducted on 307 Italian companies from 9 relevant sectors for the manufacturing (including the household appliances industry), has counted about 600 applications of smart manufacturing technologies in Italy in 2016: the estimated growth is equal to 30% compared to 2015. The most common applications include Industrial Analytics in support to production and logistics (20% of the sample) and in support to the supply chain management (15%); the adoption of Cloud solutions and Industrial IoT solutions is equally good (respectively 20% and 16% of the sample); among the less common technologies there is the Advanced HMI (15% of the sample). If we consider the international scenario, in addition to a general growth for all technologies, the most significant increase in the IT area is visible in the Industrial Internet of Things applications (+46%), which also drive Industrial Analytics and Cloud projects. In the area of the operational technologies, the Advanced Automation is having a boom (+169%) due to the strong interest on the collaborative robots, but also the Additive Manufacturing is very vital.