Olimpia Splendid: 3% increase in turnover


Olimpia Splendid‘s 2020 consolidated financial statements have been approved and present positive results for the Italian industrial Group specializing in the design, production and commercialization of solutions for air conditioning, heating and air treatment. Despite the pandemic, Olimpia Splendid closed the year with a 3% increase in turnover, from 81.9 to 84.3 million euros. Significant improvements also for EBITDA, which stood at 9.3 million euros (11.1% of turnover), +29% compared to the previous year. Besides, about 53% of revenues came from exports. As for the future, the new 2021-2023 three-year plan is based on three main drivers: sustainability, innovation and internationalization. “Alongside the strengthening of our commercial presence and the brand affirmation on the international markets, we have concentrated our energies on the development of new technologies for a more efficient and sustainable home comfort, and these pillars remain our compass for the medium-term development”, says Marco Saccone, managing director of the Group. Many resources have been dedicated to the technological innovation: the hardware and software systems for simulation and advanced prototyping have been enhanced within the Olimpia Splendid R&D Department and the key figure of the Innovation Manager has been introduced. Furthermore, important investments have been made in the production site at Cellatica (Brescia), which has been completely renovated according to the 4.0 logic.