Atop’s technologies for the home appliance sector


Atop manufactures machines to wind and assemble brushless stators, universal rotors and stators and induction motors. “The know-how and innovation developed in over 40 years of experience on the worldwide markets allow Atop to offer innovative technology solutions to produce electric motors for household appliances – the company highlights –. Our machines represent the technological excellence as regards brushless stators winding, being able to wind a high number of turns at high speed and to guarantee maximum performance, efficiency, process repeatability, flexibility and reliability. Atop offers the widest range of tailored solutions to meet customers’ requirements. From stand-alone machines to produce prototypes to complete automatic lines for series production, for the processes of lamination staking, slot insulating, winding, wire-leads termination and electrical testing”. Atop makes numerous technologies available: high speed needle winding with multiple stations to reach maximum productivity; winding of brushless stators (fully programmable wire stratification by means of needle or flyer winding technology for high slot fill and accurate coil wire positioning); fully automatic stratification winding, assembly, fusing and testing – including vision inspection for the production of single pole brushless stators; termination of brushless stators (fully programmable termination system to carry out complex coil interpolations and wire-lead cuts in short time and limited space, without waste of wire); high speed and precision insulator formation and placement; advanced process management system for traceability of processes and materials.