Sabaf wins again the Best Managed Companies Award


For the third time in four editions, Sabaf is among the winners of the Best Managed Companies Award, assigned by Deloitte Private. The winning companies are selected by an independent jury, made up of experts from the Italian institutional and academic world, who consider different parameters: strategy, skills and innovation, commitment and corporate culture, governance and performance, internationalization and sustainability. “Being one of the best managed Italian companies this year is a reason for particular satisfaction: it testifies to the company’s ability to effectively deal with the complex dynamics generated in recent months by the pandemic and the subsequent intensity of the recovery – said Pietro Iotti, Chief Executive Officer of Sabaf. -. Sabaf’s organization has demonstrated solidity, reactive capacity and operational flexibility, qualities that have allowed us to manage peaks in demand, tension on raw material prices and international logistical difficulties. The recognition received is also important because it is based on parameters, not just quantitative, which together reflect the Group’s ability and the spirit of its collaborators in striving with determination to continually improve”.