Communicating on the web: the course for mould manufacturers


The inaugural lesson of the course “Communicating on the web” will be held on October 28th, 2015. The course is organized by Ucisap in collaboration with Accademia Tecniche Nuove. The goal is to give companies the instruments to communicate their real values with a practical approach.

foto corso stampi TNAccademia Tecniche Nuove and Ucisap (Italian Union of mould and precision equipment manufacturers) organize in Milan the course “Communicating on the web”, starting from October 28th. It’s dedicated to the visibility needs of the sector professionals. The course will take place in Milan at the location of Tecniche Nuove (Via Eritrea 21) and will be the first of three training cycles. Two other courses, focused on the same themes, are planned for the coming months: in the Triveneto area for the months of February and March and in Piedmont in April-May. “The idea”, said the Ucisap director Giovanni Corti, “is to support the companies in order that they may use the Internet more effectively. The logic is to go beyond the concept of static website to turn it into a gateway to the world (for the producers) and into the entrance in the tooling department (for customers and other interested people). We want to propose a proactive approach”. The project was created considering that on the markets the Italian mould manufacturers are very good at illustrating the value of their technique and their technologies, but this is not enough now. “The current scenario – said Corti – requires the companies to have the ability to diffuse also other messages and information. For example, messages about the financial stability and the reliability, about the type of available plants and everything that brings further competitiveness, in addition to the inventiveness that characterizes the Italian companies”. It’s a small Copernican revolution, in line with the themes that the Union president Lino Pastore has repeatedly suggested in the course of his mandate, focusing on the need, for the sector, to come out of departments and plants in order to be known everywhere. “Especially in a time when the internationalization strategies increase – Corti said – it’s necessary to adopt different marketing strategies in order that customers and potential customers can get a precise overview about their interlocutors”. The peculiarities of the Italian moulding are not left aside: the scenario is generally dominated by small size companies within which it’s often difficult to find specific skills for the Internet. “Instruments and key-themes of the course – said Giovanni Corti – allow to realize targeted communication actions quickly, directly, simply and efficiently. The goal is to give entrepreneurs and employees concrete instruments to approach crucial themes for their business (even if less connected to the production), without having to spend too much time”.
With a maximum of 25 participants per class, the course will present Italian and foreign case studies with reference to the experiences of sector companies.
The registration fee is 120 Euros for the Ucisap members and 170 Euros for non-members: further information can be obtained by writing to or by phone at +39 02 26255392.
As regards to the program, it is structured as follows. On October 28th, the theme will be “Being present”, that is to provide participants with the knowledge about the correct web presence of a company that wants to stay up to date. The course will start from the evolution of the Internet and then it will analyze the characteristics of a site: efficiency, functionality, productivity.
On November 4th, the goal is “Being visible”: the course will provide participants with the knowledge and the instruments to get the right visibility on the search engines and increase business opportunities, with search engines, basic functioning of Google and search engine optimization (SEO).
On November 11th, the topic is “Being found by customers” with the knowledge and instruments to set up profitable web advertising campaigns (Google Adwords, Google Adsense, Google Analytics).
On November 18th, it’s time to “Communicate to sell”, with the instruments to realize a correct business communication through the most popular social networks (Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, YouTube).
Classes are held from 2:00 to 6:00 pm.

To register and download the program, click here.