A graphene filament for 3D printing


ha09_pc_grafylonIt is called Grafylon 3D, it promises revolutionary performances and it is the first of graphene filaments born from the collaboration between Directa Plus and Filoalfa by Ciceri de Mondel, Milanese company specialized in filaments for 3D printers. Its characteristics are explained by Giulio Cesareo, founder and CEO of Directa Plus: “it is a new generation of polylactic acid filaments (PLA) containing our graphene G+. Our new filaments have demonstrated an unbelievable improvement in the surface finishing, with unique aesthetical effect, a 34% higher modulus of elasticity than conventional products, a 23% higher tensile strength, an elongation capacity improved by 28% and thermal conductivity properties. Actually, they will certainly revolutionize the standards in the 3D printing sector”.

The collaboration between the two realities goes beyond the technological competence and concerns also the common focus on the safety and health of people and environment: the graphene G+ is in fact produced with green technology, without the use of chemical additives, it is eco-compatible and certified as safe for human health by an independent laboratory.

Not only. As explains Luciana Ciceri, managing director of Ciceri de Mondel, “Filoalfa releases on its site the results of the investigations periodically carried out to assess the dispersion of pollutants into the air during the thermo-extrusion of its filaments with 3D printer”.

The collaboration goes on: “we are working at other polymeric bases and soon we will be able to supply new interesting products” confirms Berera, R&D manager of Filoalfa.”