A toothbrush with intelligent system


oralbgeniusinitiativegeniusdesktop29041aSTMicroelectronics has contributed to an intelligent toothbrush system from Oral-B. ST’s motion-sensing and control chip inside the toothbrush helps develop healthier brushing habits. The Oral-B Genius intelligent toothbrush system combines revolutionary Position Detection technology with Triple Pressure Control and a Professional Timer. ST’s low-power 3-axis accelerometer captures permanently the orientation of the toothbrush handle while the user is brushing. ST’s 8-bit STM8 microcontroller performs pre-processing of the accelerometer data and other housekeeping functions on the Genius toothbrush and leverages ST’s advanced packaging technologies for miniaturization. “Our contribution to improving personal healthcare through an electronic toothbrush that brushes like a dental professional recommends is yet another example of how semiconductor technologies help people get more from life”, said Kevin Gagnon, Vice President of Central Sales, Americas Region, STMicroelectronics.