Panasonic Italia has received two Annual Awards

Claudio Lamperti, Managing Director of Panasonic Italia.

Panasonic Italia has received two important awards for its activity. The first award – at European level – was conferred directly by the company’s European leaders, respectively Junichi Suzuki, President and CEO of Panasonic Europe, and Yosuke Matsunaga, Managing Director of Panasonic Appliance Europe. The second – at global level – was given by the President of the AP Company, Masahiro Shinada. In both cases, the Italian branch office distinguished itself for the excellent sales and profit results achieved compared to those – equally very positive – achieved by the other branches in the world. The awarding of this recognition has also been influenced by the Italian branch’s market approach, interpreted as efficient distribution through all physical and online sales channels and as holistic and synergic management of the main marketing levers such as advertising campaigns, promotional operations and highly effective sponsorships. “A recognition that – after the last fiscal year’s award – confirms the excellent direction taken by our branch office – said Claudio Lamperti, Managing Director of Panasonic Italia -. Our branch has continued on the growth path of the last years, generating profits by enhancing the existing product ranges and introducing new ones. The current scenario allows for further growth margins and broad prospects, not only for us but also for the sector in which we operate. In this sense, the Annual Award confirms that we have been working in the right direction: for this I thank all the collaborators of the Italian branch and all the partners who have appreciated and supported us along this path”.