Panasonic: first Aquarea production line in Europe


Panasonic Corporation has started residential air-to-water heat pump production at Panasonic AVC Networks Czech in Pilsen, Czech Republic, as part of its efforts to enhance the air-conditioning business in the European market. “Europe has seen exponential demand for more renewable energy solutions – the company said in a official note -. Providing heating, cooling and hot water, the Aquarea heat pump utilises energy from the air, providing a cheaper, cleaner and sustainable alternative to conventional fossil fuel or electric systems. Panasonic had exported air-to-water heat pumps to Europe from its Malaysian air-conditioning factory. The new production facility provides Panasonic with a better capability to meet growing demand for energy-efficient heating and cooling, in properties across the region. It will also create a more localised and agile approach to product design in line with European regulations. For Panasonic customers in Europe, Aquarea lead times will be reduced thanks to short-haul transportation links, which also contributes to a reduction in the environmental impact of long-haul product shipping from Malaysia”. The new factory, starting with one production line, will progressively increase manufacture to reach 40,000 Aquarea units yearly, according to Panasonic’s mid-term plan.