Roundtable “Mold: equipment or partly completed machinery?”


foto per tavola rotondaIs a mold an interchangeable equipment or is it a partly completed machinery? Must it comply the Machinery Directive? In order to answer these questions, the magazine “Stampi – progettazione & costruzione”, published by the Tecniche Nuove publishing group, organizes a roundtable in cooperation with Ucisap (Italian association of molds and precision equipment manufacturers) and Senaf. The goal of the meeting entitled “Mold: equipment or partly completed machinery?” is to analyze this question. The theme is currently debated in the mold manufacturers’ sector and the operators are focused on different positions. The event will take place on March 17th, 2016 (from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.) at the Centro Congressi Palacassa in Parma during the trade fair MECSPE.

The program
The roundtable will see the opening speech of an expert who will present the theme. Successively, there will be a juridical deepening, a speech about the position of Ucisap and Istma Europe (International Special Tooling and Machining Association) and the opinions of some mold manufacturers who will share their experiences, from which a debate and a profitable roundtable can derive.

Participation is free of charge, accrediting on the website:

For more information on the roundtable, please write to

For information about the trade fair, please contact, tel. +39 02332039615