The Sabaf Group participates in Futura Expo


The Sabaf Group is one of the protagonists of Futura Expo, the event that is taking place in Brescia (Italy) until October 4th and which aims to concretely contribute to the construction of a new value creation practice. Inside the exhibition space, there will be Sabaf’s young collaborators who will illustrate to visitors the numerous opportunities for growth, both human and professional, for those who work in the company. With an interactive stand and accompanied by the claim “Be the one”, the company aims to create a direct contact with those who will be the protagonists of the future economy. Futura Expo is an opportunity to bring together the various actors of the economy: companies, institutions, consumers. During the event, an ambitious challenge will be launched, “Brescia 2050”: a real call to action aimed at local companies to actively work for a sustainable development. The first step in this direction is a project that consists in the donation and planting of trees in the city of Brescia and its province. “Precisely because of the centrality of the human component – says Laura Ipogino, Global HR Director – the Sabaf Group believes that Futura Expo is also an important moment to meet young people interested in investing their future in the cause of sustainability and becoming part of our world. An opportunity for the company to listen to the ideas of young people and to show the opportunities that our company, with a very strong international vocation, can offer them”.