Tecniche Nuove Editorial Group takes over the majority stake of HPS – AboutPharma


The growth strategy by external lines of Tecniche Nuove S.p.A. Editorial Group continues as, with a new operation, it takes over 54% of Health Publishing and Services S.r.l. (HPS) from Chemax holding of the Milanese entrepreneur Massimo Cherubini, who goes on holding a minority shareholding. HPS is an editorial and consulting Group that operates in the health sector, reference partner for the pharmaceutical world, the fields of medical devices, biotechnologies and all companies connected with the lifescience world. It is editor of AboutPharma, around which a whole highly digitalized info-educational ecosystem develops. The new company structure has confirmed Stefania Ambra and Giulio Zuanetti at the helm of HPS-AboutPharma. “This operation – declares Ivo Alfonso Nardella, President of Tecniche Nuove S.p.A. – completes our editorial platform dedicated to the healthcare world, confirming its leadership in the sector. With the new organizational structure, where the management of HPS, who has succeeded in leading the company along a fast constant growth course, will operate in the forefront, from now onwards our Group represents a real educational and information ‘one stop shop’ for health professionals, public and private health managers, the managers of pharmaceutical companies and medical devices, as well as of institutional decision-makers of the healthcare system”. “It is an operation – states Stefania Ambra, Managing Director and partner of HPS – that will allow important synergies with the events dedicated to the lifescience and the numerous editorial initiatives by Tecniche Nuove Group. Therefore, a further acceleration takes place of the growth process of the company, which already boasts a renowned leadership in the world of pharmaceutics, medical device and life sciences”. Besides, Giulio Zuanetti, President and partner of HPS, adds: “Joining a primary editorial Group like Tecniche Nuove represents an important development opportunity, to satisfy the more and more complex requirements of strategic and multi-channel communication of the healthcare world”.
They were operation advisors, on behalf of Chemax, HSC Advisor in the persons of Dr. Fanti and Dr. Ponsone, and the RP Legal Law Firm, in the persons of the lawyers Grandi, Iacovino and Finocchiaro; Studio Talea supported Tecniche Nuove in the persons of the lawyer Del Sasso and of Dr. Pellone.