Haier Europe: solar panels at the dishwasher factory in Eskişehir


Haier Europe have installed solar panels at its dishwasher factory in Eskişehir (Turkey). “This milestone – the company comments – is in line with our target to achieve at least 60% renewable energy at all our manufacturing sites by 2025, and follows the completion of the installation of solar panel system in our washing factory in Jinling, China. Solar panels are designed to provide clean and renewable energy not only for the activities related to the dishwasher factory but also for the tumble dryer factory. We understand that product sustainability is not just about materials but also about the amount of energy required for their manufacturing. By using renewable energy, we can significantly reduce our carbon emissions and improve the environmental impact of the products manufactured. We estimate that the production of clean energy from solar panels will cover approximately 60% of the total energy consumption expected for the dishwasher and tumble dryer factories in Turkey”.