LG designed an innovative suspension system for washing machines


LG_Centum-System_2LG realized the Centum System technology, an innovative suspension system specifically designed to enhance reliability and durability in the frontal loading washing machines. The Centum System does away with traditional springs to support the outer tub by utilizing a new damping system equipped with shock absorbers, similar to those found in automobiles. This fixed-tub system greatly reduces vibration and noise levels. Besides, with less moving parts, there’s less friction, the leading cause of wear and tear in machines. LG is so confident in the technology that it doubles the standard 10-year warranty on its Inverter Direct Drive motors to 20 years in its Centum System washing machines. The washing machines with Centum System technology offer also energy efficiency, TurboWash technology (which can complete a half load cycle in only 49 minutes) and smart connectivity.