Agreement Whirlpool-ORNL to develop new energy-efficient refrigerator

ORNL’s Pradeep Bansal examines an Embraco linear compressor, which will be used in a Whirlpool-ORNL project aimed at building a more energy-efficient refrigerator.
ORNL’s Pradeep Bansal examines an Embraco linear compressor, which will be used in a Whirlpool-ORNL project aimed at building a more energy-efficient refrigerator.
ORNL’s Pradeep Bansal examines an Embraco linear compressor, which will be used in a Whirlpool-ORNL project aimed at building a more energy-efficient refrigerator.

Whirlpool and the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are collaborating to design a refrigerator that could cut energy use by up to 40 percent compared with current models. The goal of the cooperative research and development agreement is to make a next-generation household refrigerator more energy efficient by using Wisemotion, an innovative linear compressor manufactured by Embraco, and other new technologies and materials. The team will redesign a refrigerator to incorporate the linear compressor, which reduces energy losses by continuously matching the compressor pumping rate to the refrigerator’s cooling requirements. Associated components will provide additional efficiency gains.


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