Weee: the signing of the schedule agreement is positive for Ceced Italia


Confindustria Ceced Italia (Italian association of household and professional appliances manufacturers) considers positively the signing of the schedule agreement for the Weee collection at the centers established by the municipalities. Commenting on this achievement, Franco Secchi, president of Ceced Italia, showed that it is a significant step to further improve the treatment of Weee. The dialogue with all players in the system is and has been crucial to give practical effect to the legislation, creating also a system that rewards the most virtuous municipalities.

Franco Secchi, president of Ceced Italia
Franco Secchi, president of Ceced Italia

“We, as producers – added Secchi – through the Collective Systems gathered in the Coordination Centre, will also contribute to the better communication in order to raise the awareness of local institutions and citizens on the proper Weee disposal and recycling. With this agreement, we increase the financial and qualitative commitment with the objective to better achieve the ambitious goals of Weee collecting, established by the directive and its implementation”. Antonio Guerrini, general director of Ceced Italia, has emphasized the choice of Confindustria to appoint a single representative for the industry, Gian Luca Littarru of Ceced Italia, to facilitate the dialogue with the different parties and to reach univocal and shared positions. “The agreement – explained Littarru – introduces important new features such as higher bonuses for the efficiency, contributions to the enhancement of the collection infrastructures, funds for monitoring the system and for the communication to operators and consumers. All these elements are essential to achieve the environmental objectives of the Weee directive, first of all, a progressive increase in the collection, which will have to arrive, during the next five years, to triple compared to today”.