Sabaf: approved the 2013 financial statements


In 2013, Parent Company Sabaf S.p.A. registered sales revenue of €112.4 million, down 3.3% from €116.2 million in 2012. EBITDA was €16.9 million, up 6.8% from €15.8 million in 2012, EBIT was €5.4 million, up 42.9% from €3.8 million in the previous year, and net profit was €3.7 million, up 66.8% from €2.2 million in 2012. The consolidated results of the Sabaf Group in 2013 were presented at the shareholders’ meeting. Sales revenue came in at €131 million, broadly unchanged compared with €130.7 million in 2012. EBITDA was €24.6 million, representing 18.8% of revenue (€21.8 million in 2012, equivalent to 16.7% of sales, up 12.6%), EBIT came to €11.1 million, equivalent to 8.5% of revenue (€7.9 million in 2012, 6.1% of sales, up 40.6%), and net profit totalled €8.1 million, or 6.2% of revenue (€4.2 million in 2012, 3.2% of sales, up 93.1%). At 31st December 2013, net financial debt was €16.7 million, versus €23.8 million at 31 December 2012. Shareholders’ equity was €118 million. Besides, the shareholders’ meeting confirmed Maria Chiara Franceschetti as director.