Rold participated in the “On-Site Deep Dive” meeting


Rold participated in the “On-Site Deep Dive” meeting (Interreg Europe Plastix project) in Velenje as a stakeholder of AFIL-Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia (Smart Factory Lombard Association) and representative of the Strategic Community of Advanced Polymers. Alessandro Mansutti presented Rold, and in particular its activities for the design and development of safety components for household appliances. In addition, he described R-Lab’s research projects on microplastics, and innovation activities towards developing solutions for reducing their release into the environment due to machine washing cycles. Each of the other entities present then illustrated the various initiatives they are carrying out and what challenges need to be faced in order to make our lifestyle and our activities more sustainable, starting from the strategy and arriving at concrete and targeted actions. The Fakulteta za varstvo okolja/Faculty of Environmental Protection spoke about its activities in the analysis of micro and macro plastics in rivers and water basins; Gorenje described his activities in terms of microplastic filtering and the NHL Stenden University presented its research activities for the study and definition of microplastics. Finally, Komunalno podjetje Velenje, d.o.o./Utility Company Velenje has highlighted what happens to microplastics during the purification process of water from the water systems of our homes.