Small domestic appliances in Austria: +10.6% in 2016


In the full year 2016 the value sales of small domestic appliances registered an increase of +10.6% in Austria compared to 2015, according to the data published by GfK Temax. In the fourth quarter, the growth reached +12.9%. Considering all segments of the technical consumer goods market in Austria, sales increased by +7.2% in 2016 and +9.4% in the fourth quarter. The Austrian TCG market in Q4 2016 generated revenue of 1.57 billion euro. Here are the performances of the different categories in the fourth quarter 2016.

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Major Domestic Appliances
In the fourth quarter of 2016, raising average prices for ovens and cookers leaded to a sales growth. Besides, thanks to the heat pump technology tumble dryers could record a double digits increase in their sales, while steam ovens were the only segment in the MDA sector to decline in Q4.

Small Domestic Appliances
The SDA sector registered positive results in the fourth quarter of 2016. The demand for high-priced full-automatic espresso machines with one-touch function increased by a quarter. The turnover generated with handsticks rose by half due to both an increase in demand and average price. On the other hand, the previously strongly growing sales of liquidizers were in the red in the second half of 2016.

Consumer Electronics
Due to DVB T2 signal change, sales of set top boxes nearly doubled in Q4 2016. PTV also benefited from signal change and recorded a double digit growth, while sales of car navigation and headphones fell significantly.

Considering the trend of the different products, SLR cameras reported a slight increase due to the full-frame sector and CSC cameras showed the strongest rise of all segments. On the other hand, fixed lens cameras continued to decline significantly and sales for interchangeable lenses fell again.

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Information Technology
In the IT sector, PC market increased especially with 2in1 Mobile PCs in Q4 2016 and monitors recorded ongoing double-digit growth for large screen sizes. However, media tablets registered double-digit fall in Q4 2016.

Smartphones reached peak levels, particularly in the Christmas months, as a result of attractive tariffs and subsidies and the accessories again recorded a double-digit increase: the mobile headsets segment recently boosted due to music and gaming.

Office Equipment & Consumables
Laser MFDs reported dynamic growth in Q4 2016 and increased prices drive growth of ink and laser cartridges. Among the products that achieved the worst performances, declining demand in Inkjet MFDs lowered Q4 2016 result and laser SF printers recorded a double digit loss compared to Q4 2015.