WEEE: the “open scope” will soon come into force

Giancarlo Dezio, General Manager of Ecolight.

With the entry into force of the “open scope” (August 15th, 2018), WEEE will probably increase significantly. Open scope means the extension of the WEEE legislation to a number of other products that have not been considered so far. The definition of “electrical and electronic equipment” is extended to other objects: in addition to major and small domestic appliances, consumer electronics, light sources and screens, there are – for example – fuses, USB sticks, plugs, terminal blocks and extension cords. “In order to realize the objective of making the WEEE contribution to the circular economy more concrete, we need to be ready – said Giancarlo Dezio, General Manager of Ecolight, Italian consortium for the electronic waste management. With the open scope, many other products that reach the end-of-life will have to follow a differentiated collection process and specific treatment operations as for WEEE. This implies that the manufacturers are responsible for the management of the new waste”.
According to the first estimates, the quantities of products classified as electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market should double and this will also lead to double the WEEE to be managed. The application scope of the WEEE legislation is extended, involving more than 6,000 new companies, which would add to the approximately 7,000 companies already involved in the WEEE legislation. “Within the legislation – commented Dezio – there are still some points that need clarification. Besides, a more detailed definition of the involved equipment is needed. They are indispensable clarifications to give answer to the companies that need to comply with the regulation”. Ecolight has created a support service for the companies that have to fulfill the new environmental responsibilities.