After the InfoControl Plus application which has been available for more than 3 years, Miele has developed a new app for the appliances, called Miele@mobile. With this app, it is possible to have machine status information and, depending on the model, it is possible operate the machine remotely. The previous InfoControl Plus only allowed machines to be operated within the range of a home’s wi-fi network. The app for washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers offers a wide range of functionalities. In the case of the washing machine, for instance, programme selection, delay start, spin speed, temperature and detergent dispensing is all possible from a smartphone. Applications for dishwashers are, for example, programme selection, the choice of options and checking up on the remaining cycle time. The operation of domestic appliances can be almost entirely transferred to a smartphone: Miele calls this new function MobileControl. The Miele@mobile app, free-of-charge at the time of going to market, will be available in early 2015 for Android (Version 4.1 upwards) and iOS 7 operating systems from the App Store and from Google.