Electronic instruments


HA02_ALLDATA01 HA02_ALLDATA02AllData collaborates with Tekbox, Vietnamese company that, established to design products and services intended for the automotive world, has recently widened its activity in the environmental survey sector, developing specific applications for the agricultural ambit (irrigation efficiency, reduction of pesticides…). Besides, some of its products concern more sectors: those dedicated to EMC tests like Near Field Probes, for instance, are used to localize promptly the radiation sources, like on PCB or any electronic equipment. The use of probes with generators (RF tracking generators series Rigol) and power amplifiers allows testing the immunity parameters required by regulations, identifying the critical frequency band where the immunity can be detected. Another example is the measurement of the noise radiation with TEM Cell and a Spectrum Analyzer (suggested the series Rigol DSA) to identify each potentially critical frequency. Tekbox products, combined with those by other producers like Rigol, allow offering complete and cheap solutions to satisfy the needs in pre-compliance ambit of independent laboratories, internal or external, both in industrial and educational ambit.