Italian export of plastics and rubber machinery: Poland and USA are among the main markets


exportAssocomaplast (Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery and moulds manufacturers’ association) shows that the first export market for the Italian companies of the sector has been, with no interruption since 1991, Germany, whose quota over the total has remained almost identical over the past ten years, in a 13-14% range. Among other countries that figured at least once in the top ten destinations for Italian exports in the past ten years, Poland stands out for a brilliant performance, as it has climbed from 7th in 2006-2009 up to 3rd in 2015, when its share over the total was 5%. The trend has been positive for the United States as well, which has always been among the top five destinations and reached the second position in 2014, posting a 6% quota over total exports. It is also worth noticing Czech Republic, which starting from the 14th position has now entered the top ten, taking up the ninth spot.
On the contrary, Russia’s trend went the opposite way. With a 7% share, the Russian market was 2nd in 2007-2009 but has been declining sharply ever since, first dropping to the 8th position in 2014 and eventually leaving the top ten in 2015. The economic crisis clearly played a major role in this falloff.