Remedia presents the Green Economy Report


ReMedia-Seval8Remedia, Italian consortium that handles WEEE as well as end-of-life batteries and accumulators, presents the Green Economy Report that connects the theme of the fight against climate change with the management of technological waste. The report, realized in collaboration with Fondazione Sviluppo Sostenibile, considers the impact of WEEE recycling system in Europe and Italy. Besides, it presents the Remedia activities, with a focus on the 2015 results. In Europe the WEEE recycling has averted 2.9 million tonnes CO2 eq., while in Italy it has avoided 550,000 tonnes CO2 eq. Besides, 817 are the tons of technological waste collected by Remedia in 2015, with a saving of 70,000 tons of resources, 660,000 m3 of water, 336 hectares of land and 205,000 tons CO2 eq. avoided. Of total WEEE managed by Remedia in 2015, 92% went to recycling and energy recovery. In 2015 Remedia helped reduce import costs of raw materials for an estimated value of about 16 million euro, while the economic value distributed by the consortium on the recycling chain amounts to 9.7 million euro. “The Sustainability Report 2015 demonstrates our commitment to making accessible to the stakeholders, with maximum transparency, goals and results of our activities. The significant drop in commodity prices last year has never reduced the strong focus of the consortium on the importance of recycling and correct waste management, and the presence of collective systems like Remedia continues to ensure the achievement of ambitious quality levels in the treatment – said Walter Rebosio, president of Remedia -. The new edition of the Green Economy Report continues the journey started last year, adding an important new element: the contribution given by a virtuous management of technological waste – and then by Remedia – in the fight against climate change”.