PP compounds


Rialti, Varese producer of polypropylene compounds, is perfecting the start of the fourth extrusion line for PP compounds reinforced with glass fibre, mineral charges and mixed charges, equipped with an hourly capacity of 3.5 tons.

Part of the 2015-2020 investment plan of 15 million Euros, the new line has recently started operating and will lead to a consistent increase of the productive capacity of compounds reinforced with glass fibre, mixed and mineral charges.

It is the last stage of a long development and renovation work involving the transformation of the productive site into a new industrial area with much broader value. Investments made necessary by the will of consolidating the Group’s ranking in the ambit of compounds intended for several sectors, where Rialti has operated for decades. The target is further improving the penetration into the international market, which already achieves an important percentage, having reached 75% of exports in 2017.