Whirlpool’s commitment to the inclusion


Whirlpool Corporation has been named one of the best places to work for people with disabilities as part of the 2019 Disability Equality Index (DEI). As the company explains, this is the nation’s most comprehensive annual benchmarking tool allowing America’s leading corporations to self-report their disability policies and practices. For the third year in a row, Whirlpool Corporation joined a small league of companies with a 100 percent score on the DEI for commitment and disability inclusion practices. “We’ve always taken great pride in creating an inclusive environment where all employees are empowered to succeed personally and professionally every day – said Carey Martin, Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer and employee resource group AVID (Awareness of Visible and Invisible Disabilities) executive sponsor, Whirlpool Corporation -. Being recognized as a best place to work for people with disabilities for the third year in a row is a great honor. It confirms that all Whirlpool employees have the opportunity to reach their full potential”.