An innovative and pragmatic book on Knowledge Management


On 2 June, “Advanced Knowledge Management” has been published in the “Crescita Professionale” series by Tecniche Nuove Editore. A new vision to manage corporate knowledge by Leonardo D’Itri. After an introduction to the concepts of Learning Organisation and Knowledge Management, D’Itri delves into the latest innovations in this field. These include the correlation between disciplines and fields that are usually considered separate: the analysis and mapping of processes, relational dynamics and the assessment of knowledge and skills, Service Design and technology; not forgetting the world of ChatGPT and Large Language Models.
Finally, the author explains which is the best methodology to adopt, then presenting Customer Care as an exemplary case and paying particular attention to how Knowledge Management can contribute to achieving its objectives. “A book that opens the door to Advanced Knowledge Management, an innovative and fascinating methodology that uses corporate knowledge to concretely transform a company – Leonardo D’Itri explains –. Not only because it makes it a better physical and digital place for employees, collaborators, partners and customers, but above all because it has a positive impact on the profit and loss account”.
Based on years of study and direct experience in the field, this book provides a new vision of Knowledge Management. It is a book that allows to understand the strong link between Knowledge Management and corporate business through the use of the most important methodologies at international level, real business cases, exercises and food for thought, offering the opportunity to test the usefulness and value of this methodology. In the first part, the most important components of Knowledge Management are dealt with in order to convey to professionals and business people a complete knowledge of many trends that are often only superficially known but are difficult to place in a single system: Service and Language Design, Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Collaboration, Information Architecture, Organisation Network Analysis and Assessment, Internal Branding.
The second part illustrates the application of a proven, reproducible and successful methodology for the creation of a Knowledge Management system that is the basis for the creation of a Learning Organisation. An effective system that can concretely achieve an increase in revenues and a decrease in costs.

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