A tailored “dress”


The new managerial software by Flam Gas has been developed according to the company’s specific requirements. It has revolutionized the way of operating by generating a flow of real-time data, which speeds up processes and creates a better interconnection and communication among the various business functions.

The factory of the present (nowadays it would be improper to speak of factory of the “future”) is certainly data-driven. The constant real-time flow of information makes processes more efficient and faster, facilitating operators’ work and the communication among the various corporate functions. The operation modality of Flam Gas (Italian company that produces gas cooking burners, intended for both the household and the professional sector) is precisely the one of a “factory of the present”, where a crucial role is played by the new managerial software, developed “by” and “for” the company like a tailored dress. This instrument has enabled a revolution in operational modalities, integrating all data concerning the corporate activity (from manufacturing to the management of requirements and warehouse, from orders to machines, equipment and so on). Together with Manuel Vidotto, Purchase and MRP Manager, we are discovering in detail how this new managerial software was born, what its already tangible characteristics and advantages are.

Manuel Vidotto, Purchase and MRP Manager of Flam Gas

Why have you decided developing a new software instead of purchasing a solution already present on the market?
We have taken this decision because we have assessed that the complexity that characterizes our company (we start from the transformation of the raw material to reach the finished product, with specific and constantly changing requirements) could hardly match a standard solution already available on the market. Therefore, we have decided collaborating with an external software house to develop a managerial software that was “tailored” according to our needs. It was a massive project (partly still in progress), during which we have constantly interfaced with the software specialist to achieve the wished results. A great communication work was necessary to make the requirements expressed by the production and by other corporate areas converge into a single solution. We have operated gradually, to succeed in facing this complexity, overcoming the critical issues that arose time by time.

The new managerial software can provide punctual information to the operators who work in production

What are the main highlights of the software?
Besides the fact – as already said – that the system is implemented with modules purposely developed for our requirements, one of the most important features of the software is that it allows each operator to enter with his own credentials a personal web interface where exactly the operations he will have to carry out are indicated, how to execute them, the controls to be eventually performed and how interfacing with those who operate before and after him in the manufacturing cycle. Actually, the user is given all indications step-by-step, almost as if it was a tutorial (also some photos, and sometimes some videos, have been introduced and some notes to guide the operator step by step). Moreover, the software also provides all the information regarding the management of templates and equipment, indicating where they are positioned, their use, what set-ups can be necessary, ordinary maintenances and so on.
Then the user himself can in his turn provide information, so creating a constant exchange of data at disposal of all for a smooth, precise and fast workflow. At present, we have installed some totems and, in the next future, our target is equipping each operator with a tablet. The use of these tools allows us to favour the transfer of know-how from the most expert operators to inexperienced ones, both in case of recently employed workers and of operators who change their task due to a job rotation (programmed or necessary to face absences or unforeseen events).
Further highlights of this new managerial software concern not only the production but also the sale and the purchase office, which can rely on fast and always updated information, useful to establish then relationships with customers and suppliers. In general, the various corporate areas are much more interconnected, because to be able to send communications, to receive them, to be able to see in real time what is happening aids the collaboration.

With a faster information flow, does also the speed of processes increase?
Certainly, because the data flow is continuous. Just to make an example, since when the order has been received to when the first operator of the first phase is informed, only few minutes can pass. Moreover, also eventual unforeseen events are managed faster because all data are systematized and are available for all, in real-time. This allows us to intervene promptly. Moreover, the possibility of integrating the requirement management with the manufacturing need minute by minute lets materials sometimes enter and reach the production in a very short time. All this lets us understand how the quick information flow is fruitful for everybody.

Management of bills of materials

Does this software interface with other corporate systems?
Yes, the new software is integrated with the administrative-accounting managerial software that was already present in the company. This permits us a more complete information exchange.

Does the system “communicate” with machines?
Yes, it detects data from all machinery, both those enabled to industry 4.0 and from those that are not. The software provides the operator, through the interface I mentioned before, with all information regarding what programme to recall, what set-up to execute, the indications about eventual necessary maintenances and the warning of anomalies of whatever kind. Regarding specifically machines 4.0, it is possible to monitor punctually the piece progress (how many pieces have been manufactured and then what stage has been reached in the ambit of that batch). Moreover, the managerial software provides the machinery with the code to be carried out, with what programme it must be executed, and an even more direct software-machine communication is created even without the user interface.

Does the information flow enabled by the software contribute in decreasing errors?
Yes, because on one hand operators are given more information about the operations to be executed (in order to decrease the possibility of making mistakes) and on the other hand because the system provides the instruments to identify errors promptly, if they occurred, to correct them in a short time.

Does the software enable a more precise cost analysis?
Mapping all processes with precision allows us to carry out a much more accurate cost analysis and also allows us to obtain some information by machine and by phase, which are useful to plan investments (for instance, to understand in what area it may be worth investing in new technologies to perform an upgrade of the manufacturing process).

The software developed by Flam Gas enables various analysis typologies, including the understock analysis

Concerning operators, was a training necessary to use this new tool?
The software is intuitive but some training times have been anyway proposed, both collective and for smaller groups in case of training on more specific aspects.

How have these innovations been received?
Many have positively welcomed this project since the beginning and have acted as driving engine for those who, in the early phases, were a bit reluctant. Production has certainly played an important role, being protagonist of this operational change: in my opinion, the fact of sharing information and then of making them available, so that everybody could work better, has beaten the initial reluctances. Advantages, in fact, have been visible in quite short times.

Template management

In your opinion, does the use of this new managerial software can aid in being more competitive?
Relying on a tool of this kind can be certainly useful. It is fundamental making use of a software that provides all these information, which travel so fast, because in the context where we operate makes us face very quick changes and, if we are not rapid and precise in reacting, we cannot be competitive. The possibility of managing our activity with a tool “tailor”-developed even more favours this rapidity.

The software also allows sending notes, favouring the communication

Have you ever thought of selling the software to third parties?
Initially, it was not in our projects but, once assessed the results obtained, we have decided presenting the software to some companies. This tool, in itself, might be already used, as it is, by enterprises that carry out a similar manufacturing activity to ours (that is to say from the raw material processing to the finished product). Besides, concerning possible customizations, it is important to understand their advantages and to accept fully the challenge of “tailoring a dress”. It was certainly worth it for us.