AI also revolutionizes professional coffee machines


Artificial Intelligence, now increasingly present in home appliances, is also entering the world of professional coffee machines. The innovation is the result of the collaboration between Cimbali Group and Visup with its Things5 brand. Visup is a company specializing in technological innovation. AI makes it possible to transform the way machines interact with users and, above all, can offer valuable support to maintenance and after-sales services.

LaCimbali S30 fully automatic coffee machine
LaCimbali S30 fully automatic coffee machine

Practical demonstration on LaCimbali S30

At the last edition of CES in Las Vegas, Cimbali Group and Things5 offered a demonstration on the LaCimbali S30 fully automatic machine. They demonstrated that the system can provide an immediate tool for technicians on the field, reducing intervention time. And it can also optimize the management of the most complex operations.

The synergy between Cimbali Group’s technical expertise and Artificial Intelligence has made it possible to create an innovative tool that not only improves operational efficiency but also redefines after-sales support standards in the professional coffee machine industry. These are just the first steps for a future that aims to integrate AI into equipment.

Moreover, thanks to Genuin (a digital assistant based on generative AI), LaCimbali S30 is able to personalize each preparation. Based on users’ specific requests, it can vary, for example, the coffee intensity or offer customized flavor profiles.

A better experience for operators and consumers

The application of AI and related technologies not only meets market challenges, but also improves the experience for operators and consumers. This opens a new era for the coffee industry with new opportunities offered by the latest generation technologies. “The collaboration between Cimbali Group and Visup – comments Edgardo Ferrero, Group Services Director of Cimbali Group – represents an evolutionary leap for the entire industry. By combining Cimbali Group’s know-how in the field of professional coffee machines with Visup’s experience in the development of advanced technologies, the project demonstrates how digital innovation can open new perspectives even in a traditional sector like coffee”.

The Group’s propensity for innovation is also evidenced by an important recognition that one of its brands recently received. In fact, LaCimbali obtained the award “Europe’s Best Coffee Equipment Manufacturer” in the Fully Automatics category. It was promoted by Coffee Ventures Europe at the European Coffee Symposium in Berlin.

New technologies to spread coffee culture

Cimbali Group is focusing strongly on new technologies not only for the technological evolution of its machines but also to spread the culture of coffee. At Sigep 2025, the company is presenting one of its latest initiatives. MUMAC, the Cimbali Group’s Coffee Machine Museum, in collaboration with the Group’s Services Department, has created the MUMAC Heritage Cards project, combining the tradition of the card game with the innovation of augmented reality. MUMAC Heritage Cards look like a normal deck of cards, customized in graphics to pay homage to the protagonists and icons of Cimbali Group’s history. However, they offer the possibility of accessing multimedia content thanks to augmented reality. By framing some cards with the TrainME AR App – developed in-house by the company – user can discover additional information about the history of Cimbali Group.