Partnership between Rold Industrial and Alterna


Rold and Altea Federation announce a partnership agreement, relating to the Rold Industrial business unit and the company Alterna, which will see them operate jointly and synergistically in the field of the factory digitization (from consultancy, to the installation of a platform for collection, management and monitoring of data from production plants, up to the access to credit and benefits provided for by the National Plan Transition 4.0). Rold Industrial allows Italian and multinational SMEs to generate value for their customers and improve the business processes thanks to the proposal of digital platforms and solutions capable of connecting the processes and, more generally, the entire organization. In this direction, SmartFab was developed, a platform that allows to monitor the production from an Industrial IoT perspective. Alterna, a company of the Altea Federation group, is a Cloud Solution Provider dedicated to Microsoft’s technologies and application solutions, through which it supports the growth and competitiveness of the companies in the digital transformation path. “The key to understanding this development and the differentiating value of the offer compared to other solutions – explains Rold – consist in the opportunity to create strategic value. In fact, Rold was the first user, on itself, of the Industry 4.0 platform: for over 5 years the concepts expressed above have been everyday reality. In addition, for over two years, Rold Industrial has allowed its customers, in Italy and abroad, to improve production and decision-making processes thanks to intuitive solutions, designed starting from the needs of the end user. The customer therefore perceives in Rold this similar heritage and this commonality of language and, in so doing, can benefit from a solution developed taking into account those who will have to use it daily”. The synergy between the two companies has already translated into an effective integration of some of Microsoft’s most innovative solutions with SmartFab, also by conveying an on-premise Cloud offering for those wishing to pursue more traditional architectures. Besides, an opportunity to learn about the tangible results of the collaboration between Rold Industrial and Alterna is the webinar “2021 the year of opportunities: the digital transformation in manufacturing companies to support resilience and agility”. The event, organized with the patronage of Confindustria Emilia Centro, will be held on February 25th. Various exponents of the academic and business world will take turns on the virtual stage: the webinar, starting from the theoretical requirements of the National Plan Transition 4.0, will culminate with the Factory Tour Live of the Rold plant and with the demo of the platform.