Denmark: major domestic appliances grew by 7.8%


GfK Temax‘s statistical survey indicates that in Denmark the sales of major domestic appliances grew by 7.8% in the third quarter of 2016. Also the small domestic appliances registered a positive percentage but with a lower growth rate (+2.2%). Here are the trend of the technical consumer goods in Q3.

Major domestic appliances
All segments in the MDA sector rose in Q3 2016, compared to the same quarter in 2015, thanks to consumers’ purchasing power. The outstanding performer was the microwave ovens segment which increased by 25.5 percent. The washing machines and dishwashers categories (after a fall in prices) also continued to grow.

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Small domestic appliances
A rise of 2.2 percent was registered in the Danish SDA sector in Q3 2016, compared to Q3 2015. Premium products sold well, especially in the personal care products segment. This resulted in strong demand for high-value goods, including ladies’ laser/intense pulsed light (IPL) devices. Sales of vacuum cleaners rose by 12.8 percent, driven by an increased demand for the robotic, and the handstick models. Following a period of growth, the kettles segment declined. However, demand for high-end products with temperature setting continued to rise.

Consumer electronics
In Q3 2016, there was a decline of 2.9 percent in the Danish CE sector, compared to the same quarter in 2015. A fall in sales of panel TVs – the sector’s largest segment – was led by a drop in prices in Q3 2016. Both the headphones, and the set-top boxes segments contracted – down by 20.7 percent and 25.5 percent, respectively.

Sales in the photography sector decreased in the third quarter of 2016 – down by 10.4 percent, compared to 2015’s third quarter. In particular, demand for action cameras diminished.


Information technology
Large falls in virtually all of the segments meant that the IT sector declined by 20.6 percent in 2016’s third quarter, compared to Q3 2015. The mediatablets category dropped once again – this time by 16.6 percent. On a positive note, upgraded models boosted demand for media gateways (up by 54.2 percent).

The sector’s largest segment – smart and mobile phones – performed well in Q3 2016 (up by 28.5 percent, compared to Q3 2015). Demand for models with larger screen sizes increased. Overall, the telecommunications market grew by 27.8 percent.

Office equipment and consumables
Both the cartridges segments (inkjet and laser) rose in Q3 2016, compared to 2015’s Q3. This helped the Office equipment and consumables sector to register an increase of 1.5 percent in the quarter. The multifunctional devices (MFDs) segment contracted once again – down by 18 percent.

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