Anfel: the trend of the first four months


According to the data published by Anfel (Spanish association of manufacturers and importers of household appliances), in the first four months of 2017 the market registered a growth in turnover by 2.25% compared to the same period of 2016. In January-April 2017, the growth in units was +48,481 pieces (+2.36%). Considering the different products in the first four months of 2017, the evolution in units shows that refrigerators saw a decrease of 1.29% over the same period of 2016 (double door refrigerators -21.92%; 1 door models -6.86%; side-by-side +1.91%; combined refrigerators +5.96%). Horizontal freezers had a two digits drop (-10.69%). Washing machines decreased by 1.73%, while dryers and dishwashers grew by 4.86% and 6.74% respectively. Cookers saw a double-digit increase (+26.67%) and also ovens, hobs and hoods achieved positive results (+8.70%, +4.97% and +3.56% respectively).