A moisturizing shaving


Anna Zinola, figure by Francesco Gulina.

The product
A beard razor that, passed on the face after shaving, releases a cream treatment. This is enabled by the presence of an inner space that hosts a micro-vial of cream. The treatment is available in various formulations (for instance moisturizing, soothing, anti-wrinkle and so on), to satisfy the needs of various kinds of skin. Refills, sold together with the razor or separately, can be easily introduced into the device.

The target
Men over 20; metrosexual, they take care of their look (for instance, they attend the gym, they go to beauty centres to trim eyebrows); they have no beard/moustaches/goatee and they regularly shave their face.

Useful because
It allows taking care of the face skin efficaciously; it facilitates and speeds up the daily skincare; it allows varying the treatment typology, when necessary.