Lombardy Region confirms that the pellet stoves are environmentally friendly


stufa-pelletLombardy Region has presented a plan on the air quality (Resolution 5656, October 3rd 2016) that focuses the attention on the woody biomass emission and accepts the position of Confindustria Ceced Italia: first of all, the restriction on the use of obsolete fireplaces and stoves. It’s confirmed that the criticality connected to the fine dust pollution is not due to the pellet stoves that are one of the technological excellences of the Italian industry in the world. The best performing and most efficient models reduce by more than 70% the polluting agents emission compared to the obsolete products, as Lombardy Region’s data show (5% for the innovative pellet stoves compared to 40% for the stoves and fireplaces already installed for many years). The Lombardy Region anticipates the normative requirements of the European Union with the energy label that will take effect in 2017 for the biomass boilers and in 2018 for the stoves and fireplaces. As indicated by Confindustria Ceced Italia, an important step towards a better air quality could be the incentives to the renewal of the installed products: the citizens could use the incentives of the Conto Termico that can reach up to 65% of the intervention cost.