Hitachi Cooling & Heating: partnership with Never Buy


The recent partnership between Hitachi Cooling & Heating and the Never Buy marketplace makes it possible to lease air conditioners. It is an opportunity that the Japanese brand reserves for its retailers with the new operating lease program for air conditioning systems. In detail, thanks to the partnership with Never Buy, the first marketplace entirely dedicated to the operating lease for the VAT numbers of all categories of assets and in particular of capital goods, the lease of a Hitachi Cooling & Heating air conditioning system is managed directly through the platform: a few clicks and a monthly fee (which varies between 12 and 60 months and which also includes the cost of installation, warranty and maintenance service) make it possible to lease a state-of-the-art air conditioner. In this way, the Hitachi Cooling & Heating’s partners can in turn activate the service to their customers, even small companies and VAT numbers, conveniently on demand. “Our role does not end only with the development of advanced air conditioning systems, on the contrary. We believe it is increasingly important to activate initiatives capable of supporting our partners in their daily activities – explains Paolo Caimi, Marketing Manager for Italy of Hitachi Cooling & Heating -. The operating lease service has been created precisely to meet the current need of cost containment, particularly felt in this economic phase, and to offer a significant opportunity to our commercial partners”.