Cosberg wins again the “IxI” award

Michele Viscardi, Cosberg CEO, receives the “IxI” award.

Cosberg (mechatronics, robotics, assembly solutions) is again the winner of the IxI – Imprese x Innovazione award (Business Prize for Innovation). This recognition is officially given to Italian companies that want to emerge and strengthen their competitive capabilities, relying on the level of innovation achieved, not only limited to product and process but that enhances the organization and culture of the company itself. Michele Viscardi, company’s CEO, received the award in Rome together with his brother Paolo (board member and Engineering Director) and the Honorary President Gianluigi Viscardi. “The satisfaction is great – Cosberg commented – and shared by the whole company because the candidacy for such a prestigious recognition has required to demonstrate with objective criteria our level of innovation. This involved a lot of internal work, which was followed by a severe and scrupulous evaluation by the evaluators, who visited our company and had interviews with different people on the team in order to collect useful elements for their analysis. This is the second time that Cosberg has won this Award. In fact, already in 2012, our company had won the IxI Award and the related Prize of Awards associated with it. After 11 years, we have received confirmation that our ‘innovation making way’ is itself innovative. Furthermore, although Cosberg is a SME, it focuses on this aspect to guarantee added value for itself and its customers, investing every year a good portion of its turnover (over 10%) in Research, Development and Innovation”.