The initiative #TheWhirlpoolWay


Whirlpool launched a new initiative, #TheWhirlpoolWay to celebrate colleagues across the globe going above and beyond in support of each other, consumers and their communities during the coronavirus outbreak. The initiative, launched by Whirlpool’s Chairman and CEO, Marc Bitzer in April is a celebration of Whirlpool’s people, with colleagues nominating others across the company who inspire them by going the extra mile during this difficult time. Over the past month, Whirlpool has been sharing a selection of these incredible stories on its social media channels and internal platforms to recognize their achievements. “Every day, I hear stories of colleagues across the globe who are going above and beyond to support our teams, our consumers and our communities, as they themselves adjust to the new realities of the situation and what it means for them and their families – Marc Bitzer, Chairman and CEO of Whirlpool Corporation, commented -. It has been heartwarming to read the stories shared with us week in, week out – from small acts of kindness to life saving efforts. Thank you, colleagues, your stories have made me very proud to be a part of the global Whirlpool community”.